Friday, July 15, 2011

There you are...

After a rather vociferous early spring, the gray treefrogs (northern persuasion) in my yard have calmed down their calling. (Odd, as everyone else seems to be reporting higher activity in the recent rains.) I hadn't been able to follow their quacking to an actual frog even when I was sure there was one somewhere on the front corner of the house (possibly in the downspout--smart frog). It was pure luck that I noticed this one when I went out on the side deck the other morning. [Apologies for the pre-coffee, slightly-out-of-focus shots. And the desperately-in-need-of-cleaning-and-painting doorframe. Eek.]

How nice that the former homeowner picked tree-frog gray for the color of the house siding! (Interesting side note: these frogs have the ability to turn tree-frog green as well; I've not been lucky enough to see this, but I have noticed changes in the amount of the dark patterning in one individual over the course of a day.)

'Sephone, having successfully charmed her way into the house last fall, becomes very confused when I go outside...