Saturday, March 15, 2014


I am trying so hard not to "think Spring" because I don't believe we will see it any time soon and I don't want to get my hopes up, but thoughts of it will intrude. Especially when I notice increasing light in the early evening, and especially as I'm driving by the one spot I know has skunk cabbage and the little thought pops into my head "I wonder if it's blooming yet?"… I had never stopped to see it actually blooming and I knew it was due up soon. Sure enough, my botanist buddy Jim in Ohio posted a photo to his Facebook page a couple of weeks ago, which had me looking next time I drove by The Spot. Which happens to be a small little stream (two! I recently noticed a second one) running right between a bunch of businesses and residences right smack in the middle of town…

I stared hard (luckily the posted speed limit is only 35mph) and I decided I may have spotted some spathes. So I took advantage of a nice day before we were due for yet more ice/rain/snow (See? All those singing birds and daffodil buds are a tease, I tell you!) to get a little closer...

Jim has a great blog post about these strange plants. Yes, they bloom this time of year, even this year (but they may be a bit late for us?) and yes, they can do so even with snow cover. They simply create their own heat! Not sure how many pollinators are out and about in February (actually, anytime the mercury hovers over about 40°F I often notice wee flying things), but obviously enough to keep the peculiar plant species alive.

Just across the street from the flowers-only above, the cabbage was already leafing up. Only reason I can figure is that the first side is easterly and gets more shade, and the leafing-up plants on the west side of the street get more sun--therefore the microclimate might be just that little bit warmer...

Must remember to stop for a "field-full of cabbage" photo... Later. Assuming Spring ever arrives. (I'm ignoring the near-60°F temps as I upload these photos and finally post this.)