Saturday, February 27, 2010


Well, we didn’t get the accumulating snow on Thursday, but a huge system moved in Thursday night and was comfortably settled over the area by Friday morning, bringing snow and worse, high winds. Radar on Friday afternoon looked like a pinwheel spinning counter-clockwise over the Mid-Atlantic, with the "pin" stuck in New York City.

I chose to give myself a half day at work, given that at times throughout the morning I could barely see the huge, dark evergreen near the end of my drive less than 1/10th of a mile away…

(This isn't the view out the front door. This was a neat snow pattern on the window glass.)

By 1 PM travel was relatively safe, if you didn’t count the idiots on the road who were not only not allowing for hazardous driving conditions (downside of living in the country is serious blow-over from farm fields that don’t typically get—or typically need—snow fencing) but were not even following the basic rules of the road such as speed limits and double yellow lines. (I was only doing 5 under at the time, an allowable caution given the amount of snow/ice/slush on the road.)

Hard to tell how much snow actually fell, but enough so that the drifts were rather impressive. (I could have done without the little one that was coming in under my front door.)

On a positive note, the woodcock of an earlier post was spotted digging through the slush in the back yard just before the weather turned really nasty. Others have been reportedly heard displaying in the county; I thought I had heard a brief "peent" myself the other night.

And the goldfinches have been slowly turning yellow over the past few weeks.

[photo would be inserted here if the cats would stop leaping up to greet me every single time I try for a photo and spooking birds off the feeder just outside the window]

UPDATE to the UPDATE: 6:30pm, Saturday. At least three woodcock peenting, twit-twit-twittering and whirrrrrrrrring in (around/over) the yard. They certainly do like calm evenings and (nearly) full moons.